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Cyber Security in E-Commerce

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹220.00.

Authors: Mr. Gunawan Widjaja

ISBN: 978-81-19359-21-9 Category:
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This book, “Cyber Security in E-commerce,” delves into the intricate realm where technology and commerce intersect, focusing on the critical aspects of security that underpin the functionality and reliability of online transactions. As the digital landscape evolves and businesses increasingly migrate to online platforms, the need to fortify these platforms against an array of cyber threats has never been more urgent. The introductory chapter sets the stage by contextualizing e-commerce within the sphere of security concerns, emphasizing the need for systemic security practices and collaborative governance models. It sheds light on the potential risks that stem from the widespread adoption of electronic commerce, underlining the significance of robust security measures. Subsequent chapters delve into the underpinning technologies, ranging from e-commerce network technologies and blockchain to the emergent domains of virtual reality, cloud computing, and information security. These chapters equip readers with an understanding of the technological foundations necessary to secure the e-commerce landscape





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