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Medical Diagnosis using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹220.00.

Authors: Prof Sari Luthfiyah, Prof Methaq Hadi Lafta, Dr Tousief Irshad Ahmed, Prof Kruti Desai, Prof Makhan kumbhkar

ISBN: 978-81-962332-7-3-1-1 Category:
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This book is fit for anyone wishing to learn more about medical diagnosis using ML and AI applications. This book consists of ten chapters that explain the global medical diagnosis of diseases in earlier stages and current stages. How Machine Learning techniques are used in medical diagnosis and detection of communicable diseases like COVID and others are clearly explained. Similarly, the diagnosis and detection of Malaria, Typhoid, and Dengue with help of Artificial learning techniques. This book has made a small impact in understanding various concepts in AI and ML used in the medical field.





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